50- October 3, 2009- Last few days in Ohio

So this last week all of our shows have been outside. So we have been praying for the weather to cooperate. Tuesday was pretty chilly- I suppose thats what you get doing a show outside in Chillicothe.  It went real well though. People flooded the stage at the altar...

49- September 28, 2009

Well, my computer got soup spilled on it a week ago so I have been unable to the updates. Please pray for my computer.We are in Chillicothe as of this last Thursday. Did 4 school assemblies on Friday. They went well. All team worship was awesome on Friday night. We...

43- September 11th

I was walking down the hallway at school and Darrin Johnson told me that terrorists flew a plane into a building- or something like that. We watched coverage at school for most of the day I think. Prolly prayed too as I went to a Christian school.I remember just...

42- Bryce Update

So last week my internship at IHOP formally ended – although I will probably continue helping out here and there. I loved my experience there and got to meet a lot of great people.I spent this last week at the Lake of the Ozarks with some friends. I had a blast...

41- Like a Tree

Jeremiah 17:7-8 are 2 powerful verses.I “randomly” (haha- thank You Holy Spirit) saw them tonight as I opened up the Bible. (I suppose there is a lesson in that too- God will do cool stuff if we do our little part and just open up the Bible.)Anyway7~...