So this last week all of our shows have been outside. So we have been praying for the weather to cooperate. Tuesday was pretty chilly- I suppose thats what you get doing a show outside in Chillicothe.  It went real well though. People flooded the stage at the altar call and a lot of great ministry happened.  

Wednesday, I hung with Island Breeze and played their show with them that night. It wasnt chilly, it was downright cold.  My guitar felt wet as I condensation was building and stuff. I had an absolute BLAST though.  I think I had more fun that the oven in Zanesville, probably because I knew the music a bit better and could watch the dancers a bit more.  So much fun!!!
At one point Rudy was talking about how we were designed to be a was giving examples of how things are supposed to be.  He mentioned first “If a star was taken out of the sky it would die…” Later we found out that a HUGE shooting star flew across the sky at that point. Like so long that it was distracting… Pretty awesome! Again, many came forward and responded to the gospel.
Thursday, I hung with Island Breeze all day. Performed at 2 nursing homes and an elementary school… It was alot of fun.  This was the first time I had seen their school stuff.  They danced sang and painted the kids faces… It was alot of fun.  I will post videos on that soon…
We got back too late for the GX show but God once again held off the rain for the show “(it rained all day the next day.)  The stadium was packed out and people filled the isles to respond to the gospel.  GOD IS SOO AWESOME!!!
Yesterday I had to say goodbye to Island Breeze. Not cool.  They became like family. Over a few short weeks I grew to love those people… 
I also got to hang with some GX guys yesterday which was cool… Did some bowling and ate some pizza. At the bowling ally we did the arcade games a bit. I won 100 bonus tickets on a game.  I was gonna give them to a little girl there and when I asked she said no. She had 1,000 bonus tickets coming out at that point. I asked her like 2 more times, even her mom was asking. She didnt want my lousy tickets… Wow- got rejected by a 7 year old… 🙂
good times and great oldies
Seeyall soon