This is a picture of Bryce Anderson and Bryce Anderson.
Let me back up…
A few years ago, I did a demo CD with 4 songs on it. Some time after that someone emailed me saying she had googled her son’s name- Bryce Anderson, and found my website. She said she really liked the music and bought several CD’s to give as gifts. We kept in touch over the years. They ended up being a huge blessing to me and have really supported and encouraged me as I have gone on missions.
I had been planning on going to YWAM’s 50th celebration and wondered if I could work it out to stop in California to see them. They helped me work it out and it was one cool weekend. The whole time I was just feeling, this is a divine setup. I got to spend some time with their 3 boys. Definitely fun.Was also quite encouraged to talk to the parents. They are also very involved with missions so I got to hear about some of their wild trips too! God is soo good.
Saturday night, they invited several people from their church to the house. We worshiped together and I got to share a bit about my adventures from this year as well as share my vision for the future with missions and prayer. I really felt like they were with me. They really seemed to understand and embrace the vision. I was so encouraged to meet all of them.
The next day I got to worship with their church at Calvary Chapel Laguna Creek. I was so blessed to be with them as well! Some really neat people! Overall, the Lord blessed me with some incredible refreshment, relationships, and over $1,000 to help get me going into missions! Thank YOU Jesus! 🙂
That night, I got to hang with a friend from my DTS. So refreshing!
First time I ever met someone named Bryce Anderson. Funny how God works things out.
Thank you Jesus