Lately, God has been teaching me about life by means of water. I’ll give a few snapshots.
In November, a move of God began at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. God was moving and continues to move in a supernatural way- dramatically restoring hearts, healing bodies, and people giving their lives to Jesus. It was an Awakening to the powerful move of God in a real way. To give help get our minds around what was happening, the river from Ezekiel 47:1-12 was spoken of. Here the river flows from the altar and everywhere it goes it brings life. I am still trying to get my mind around what exactly it is, but I feel it is around the life, the glory and the presence of God.
Also, Genesis 2:10 says a river flows out of Eden. Eden is the original design of God’s longing for relationship with man. It is the origin of life.
Psalm 46:4, Revelation 22:1-2 and other passages also speak of this river.
A few weeks ago I went to Kua Bay. Some friends and I were body boarding. We just waited for the wave and then would swim with it and be carried by it. It was so much fun! It would pick us up like nothing and carry it us. A few times I got tossed around so good, I felt like a rag doll. It was exhilarating because I had no control. Scary- yes, but so electrifying!
The other day in worship, God brought this back to mind. It was absolutely the best feeling to let go. God wants me to completely let go because it is the most exhilarating. Not safe, but entirely the highest choice. I could sit in a pool where I would have to make my own waves that don’t affect me at all, or I could get in the way of the wave, swim with it then let it take over!
I also had some really cool revelation on about my outreach. For safety don’t want to share details on that online- but if you want to get emails subscribe to my newsletter at
Also, Jesus first public act was getting fully submerged in a river. Read Matthew 3:13-17. John the Baptist was the forerunner to His first coming. Are we not to prepare the way for His second coming? There was an open heaven over the river.
Yesterday, I went to the ocean with some friends, we were at an area that was a little inlet shaped like a horseshoe. The waves were so rough we couldn’t really swim. That would literally rise and fall between 6-10 feet within seconds. We basically sat around and watched it for a while, because it was very impressive! Huge swells!I had my video camera doing a little update, then was videoing my friend, Julien, doing the same. We weren’t even that close to the water. As she was talking, a huge wave came and literally knocked us down. I dropped my camera, saw my friend Phillip getting swept along the rock. He lost his glasses. As scary as it was, and losing my camera, Phillip and Julien getting scratched up, it was still so exciting. In a strange sort of way it was exhilarating.
I want to let go. I want the best ride with Jesus I can get. If I am in a wave and try and force against it, it wont be successful or fun. Jesus knows what He is doing, He won’t smash me against a rock. I wanna go all the way in.