It has been a tough week. Harder than I thought it would be. I have realized that moving to Kona means more than other trips. This is really signifying a change. Its not a trip where I have a plan of when I will be coming back. I am going out…
It sounds good in a church service but saying goodbye to family and friends is not easy.
I had some prayer time with my parents and 2 sisters the other night. I felt like it really released me to go. I knew it was important but had no idea how much I really needed it.
Had several friends over last night as well. I have had several times where friends and family would pray and send me. I love it so much because that is how the early church sent their missionaries. They laid hands and prayed and sent them out.
I don’t know when I will be back to KC.
But I know that I am going deeper into God and further into His calling over my life. That I cannot resist.
Thank you all so much for your prayers during this transition.

Please pray for:

  • Safe travel and perfect ride/lodging arrangements as I travel to Los Angeles in the next 2 days
  • Blessed time with my cousin in LA
  • Wisdom as I begin the new season in Kona

Thank you again and God bless!

Here is my and my beautiful fam!